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How many world currencies are there?

Our database contains about 175+ world currencies. For browsing and conversions we published 157 major currencies that have user demand on this website, the rest are available in the API. The U.S. dollar is the most traded currency in the world, accounting for around 47 percent of global payments and 87 percent of daily FX market volume.

What's behind a currency?

There is much more behind a currency than what an average consumer might know. Some currencies may rise in value during times of economic instability, while others closely follow the price of certain commodities. So let’s take a look into the major currencies of the world.

Do all countries have the same currency?

Almost every country has a unique currency, although some countries share common currencies. Currently, about 180 currencies are used across the globe and recognized by the United Nations. However, not all the currencies have equal strength or value; some are stronger and trade frequently in the foreign exchange markets.

What is a currency system?

Currency systems are in place to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Money is the most widely recognized form of currency, and countries around the world issue their own legal tender to be used within their own borders. However, some countries allow a foreign currency to replace or operate alongside the domestic currency.

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